
Loop, Walking

The village of Bardos invites you to a loop between the ridges and the deep forest of the Urgorri valley, to combine the wide panoramas and the more intimate discoveries of the discreet streams. A fast ride, sometimes enhanced by the acrobatics of motorcycle-trial riders, whose main interest remains the incredible panorama of the Miremont hillock. A view of the Pyrenees chain celebrated at the top of the water tower, accessible to all, by orientation tables that detail the tour of the horizon. On a clear day (favour the first few hours of the day), you can see the peaks stand out against the blue sky over 150 km. You will also see that Bardos is at the crossroads of the landscapes between the Basque Country and Gascony, with on one side the green hills of the Manech sheep against the backdrop of the Rhune, and on the other the plain of the Adour, the sweetness of the Chalosse and the gre


Practical information

  • Start : BARDOS
  • Positive elevation : +150m
  • Marking : Yellow
  • Equipements et services : Viewpoint, Picnic area, Ablutions, Water point
  • Distance3.5km
  • Mobilityon foot
  • Duration1h30
  • DifficultyVery easy

Itinerary details

Ibilbideari buruzko xehetasunak

Arrival point